New “Cittadella dello Sport”
Turnkey roofing
Tortona (AL), San Guglielmo
APPIA S.r.l., Tortona (AL)
Barreca e La Varra, Via Tito Vignoli, Mailand Mpartner S.r.l., Mailand - Arch. Ivan Saracino Mosae S.r.l., Mailand - Arch. Michele Maddalo
Design of load-bearing structures:
STUDIO CAPÈ, Mailand - Ing. Michele Capè
General contractor:
Codelfa SpA, Tortona (AL)
4,500 m² prefabricated roofing elements; 630 m³ glulam
Tortona’s new sports hall will also be the new home to Derthona Basket, a basketball team that plays in Serie A of the Italian LBA championship. The new “Home of the Lions” is currently under construction: the aim is to stimulate enthusiasm for this sport in Tortona. The 17,000 m² stadium will provide room for 5,000 spectators: the roof is constructed entirely of glulam and has a diameter of some 80 metres, with elements weighing over 70 tonnes
We at Rubner were entrusted with the structural and executive design of the turnkey finished roof: the structural design, the roofing design, the roof covering design and all associated details. We were also tasked with the manufacture of all products, i.e. glulam beams and prefabricated roof panels. Work included the transport of all manufactured products to the construction site by normal, special or exceptional vehicles (maximum span of parts: 33 m). The large spans, the performance demands of the roof and the short lead times all prompted the use of glulam as the material for construction of the new sports hall roof. Assembly of the wooden part is expected to take three months, with the entire project to be completed by the end of 2023.