Be Factory - Manifattura Project

A business incubator for industrial innovation


Rovereto (TN)


Kengo Kuma and Associates


Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A., Rovereto

General contractor:

Colombo Costruzioni S.p.A., Lecco


approx. 50,000 m² – covered area 24,000 m² – glulam 4,000 m³ – cross laminated timber panels 3,000 m³

In 2019, the former Manifattura Tabacchi in Rovereto was converted into a business incubator for green construction, sustainable mobility and sports technologies. In total, 11 buildings – all with a low carbon footprint – cover an area of almost 25,000 m2, with the largest green roof in Italy, and together make Be Factory one of the country’s largest construction projects with a load-bearing wooden structure. Architect Kengo Kuma developed the project with a focus on integration in its geometry and construction: not only the integration of the old and new buildings, but also of the landscape, the city and the River Leno.

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