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UMBRAL - The temple of listening

15.04.2024 - 28.04.2024

From 15 to 28 April 2024, at the INTERNI Cross Vision exhibition-event, in the Cortile d’Onore, dell’Università Statale di Milano.

On the occasion of the Milan Design Week 2024, Rubner Haus puts the spotlight on the Blockhaus, an ancient building system in solid wood that three young architects, skillfully led by the Franco Albini Foundation , have reinterpreted in a contemporary key to give life to Umbral the Tempio dell’Ascolto,





The initial brief of the “Designing Possible Futures” Competition challenged young talents to design a light, innovative, sustainable, recyclable wooden structure, which enhanced the construction performance of wood and the Blockhaus system, and at the same time was transformable, versatile and modular. With their three projects in hand, the three architects, Memo Sànchez Càrdenas, Carlo Farina and Veronica Pesenti Rossi ,

pent a week of full immersion among the granite boulders of Casa Albini in Aglientu (Sardinia), where – guided through the principles of Method of Franco Albini, the Great Master of Italian Rationalism – they decomposed, searched for the essence, recomposed and verified their initial ideas in a path of co-creation that led to Umbral the Temple of Listening, the best of the ideas of each is a sum of everyone’s creative and design talent.


Sponsor Technology

HIC Beauty – Vimar 

Partner Technology

Listone Giordano – Panzeri – Puk