Special shapes / arched doors


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There’s something going round

Multi-leaf doors, arched doors, special shapes

When it gets a little wider: multi-leaf real wood doors and special shapes. Rubner Doors can also make curved shapes, or double doors, or something completely different: real wood entrance doors and internal doors in special shapes are no problem for us! We have designed, produced and installed doors for semi-circular, segmented or basket-handle arches, multi-leaf doors, doors with bronze facing – and many more.

Find out more about the boundless possibilities for real wood doors by contacting our consultants for more detailed information!

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Prestigious doorways

Arched doors, multi-leaf doors, special solutions

Many buildings need entrances other than those closed by the usual rectangular door leaves. Very few large manufacturers are able to offer special solutions outside their narrow product range. Rubner Türen is different: we respond to customers’ wishes and fulfil them with experience, inventiveness and empathy.



Impressive presence: Doorways made of real wood can make an extremely prestigious impression. Two wings in a masonry arch make a beautiful entry point especially in landmarked buildings.


Entrances for farm buildings

Farms that have been owned by generations of families are particularly in need of careful modernization and adaptation to the challenges of time. Rubner real wood KlimaHaus entrance doors are the best


Prestigious entrances

Doorways are appropriate for more than just feudal, landmarked buildings – the entrance should have the right proportions especially if the building fronts are large and wide.


Tourism buildings

The hospitality industry welcomes its guests with open arms – this can also be expressed with a beautiful, representative entrance. Of course in a customised version – in real wood!

Careful preservation


Renovating landmarked buildings is a challenge – custom designs in real wood by Rubner are usually the right answer.

Curved & colourful

Special orders, arched doors, mulit-leaf doors

Viele Gebäude brauchen andere Eingänge als sie die gewohnten, rechteckigen Türblätter verschließen. Die wenigsten großen Hersteller sind in der Lage, außerhalb ihrer engen Produktpalette Sonderlösungen anzubieten. Rubner Türen ist anders: Wir reagieren auf die Wünsche der Kunden und erfüllen sie mit Erfahrung, Erfindungsgeist und Empathie.

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Our product range

Internal doors

Entrance doors

Sliding doors

Functional doors: fire, sound and burglary protection