Site visit to the IFSI - IFAS Ambilly mixed wood-concrete structure

25.09.2024 - 25.09.2024


25 settembre dalle 10:00 alle 12:30



We are pleased to invite you to visit the site of the reconstruction of the teaching building housing the IFSI – IFAS (Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers et Aides-Soignants) of the CHAL and the Pôle de Formations Supérieures Grand Forma of Annemasse Agglo in Ambilly. This major project, jointly managed by the CHAL and Annemasse Agglo, is taking place on the site of the old hospital in Ambilly, in the new Étoile Annemasse Genève district.

The future building, with a surface area of around 4,000 m², will eventually house 770 students training to become nurses, care assistants and a range of other higher education courses.

The project, designed by Austrian architect Dietmar Feichtinger, highlights the use of wood through a mixed wood-concrete construction system that you will have the opportunity to discover on site. Vincent Rocques, an architect from Annecy, is responsible for overseeing the execution of the project, which was built by us.

Schedule for the visit :
10am: Welcome coffee
10.30am > 11.15am: Presentation of the project (context, challenges, design, construction solutions, etc.)
11:15 > 12:30: Tour of the site and questions/answers
12.30pm: Aperitif lunch

Registration is free but compulsory by clicking on the link.